
Before I Met Sandy

Port Washington - Age 2 to 5

Lee, 1933 
At the Feigenbaum household, I was the center of attention. Everything revolved around me. Dad worked for me. Mom cooked and cleaned for me. She always made sure that I had clean clothes and whatever I needed. Little did I know how soon that would all end. Less than a month after the picture on the porch, Lee was born. I had no clue.
He and the low point of the Great Depression arrived about the same time. It is tempting to credit him for it, but there is absolutely no indication that the two were related. However, he and I are, according to the people who should know. I confess that I have no memory of these matters 

Bernice and I are growing up fast. Here, we're 4, and it's 1934 already.

1934 Libby arrived when I was 4.
I don't remember her arrival either. Having siblings doesn't seem to have made much of an impression on me. I wonder if I was living there when these events occurred. This would still have been in Port Washington.
This is probably a Sunday or a holiday afternoon, maybe going to watch the flying boats at Port Washington.
Cousins Liz and Bill Scheer with mom and me. The Great Depression was roaring on and things were tough. Bill was a struggling accountant. For a time, they lived with us until their economic conditions eased. 

What a good looking boy! I wonder whatever became of him.

Life was good. We were living in the suburbs, with clean, fresh air, electricity, indoor plumbing, etc. The country was in a hell of a mess and we were poor, but I didn't know that. Well, maybe not exactly poor, but certainly far from comfortable. The salesgirls in the store were paid $6 a week and frequently dad couldn't take home that much, but my friends and I never discussed these matters.

1934. I don't know where Lee and Libby are. She was probably at home. Maybe he took the picture. Possibly it was just that we elders had to get away from the youngsters for a while.

July 29, 1934

One day, when I was almost 5, mom and I had to go somewhere, but first she had to stop in the store to see dad. She pulled up behind the store, at the top of the hill, and left me in the car. I moved over into the driver's seat and practiced driving. I released the brake and went down the hill and wound up with the front wheels in a little stream. I was unhurt, but I understand there was much consternation, especially when dad found out.